Laws of Attraction

October 31, 2006 at 1:12 pm (PresentTense)

I’m in a weird place, I don’t know how else to describe it. I’m no longer hung up like a lunatic on my ex but I’m also not very interested in guys right now. I truly, absolutely, and completely envy people who fall in and out of love easily. I have friends who move from one boyfriend to the next within a day’s span but me??? Err, let’s see, the last time I went on a rebound date/relationship (and let me tell you, it was months after my first ever break-up), it ended in a total DISASTER.

And I’m talking about a momumental disaster of TITANIC proportions and it happened to me twice, both occuring after I broke up with my first boyfriend. It took me almost four years before I finally got serious again but the guys who were in my life following that period never even came close. As bad as it sounds (and maybe what’s happening to me right now is karma), no one ever touched my heart as deeply in those long years. Sure, I dated steadily, sure I had my pick, sure I had “kilig” moments, swoon-worthy suitors and really fun memories but I was never involved seriously and it’s funny that I only got my first kiss when I was 21.

As my friend Precious said, I’m too much of an extremist. I feel too deeply, I love too deeply, I hate too deeply…and for an independent, strong-willed woman such as myself, I hate the fact that I still tend to care too deeply even if it’s unwarranted, unwanted and undeserving. Read the rest of this entry »

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